The Lancet Commission and global cancer surgery
Meara JG , Leather AJM, Hagander L, Alkire BC, Alonso N, Ameh EA, Bickler SW, Conteh L, Dare AJ, Davies J, Mérisier ED, El-Halabi S, Farmer PE, Gawande A, Gillies R, Greenberg SLM, Grimes CE, Gruen RL, Ismail EA, Kamara TB, Lavy C, Lundeg G, Mkandawire NC, Raykar NP, Riesel JN, Rodas E, Rose J, Roy N, Shrime MG, Sullivan R, Verguet S, Watters D, Weiser TG, Wilson IH, Yamey G, Yip W. The Lancet Commissions Global Surgery 2030: evidence and solutions for achieving health, welfare, and economic development. The Lancet. 2015 May; 386:569-624.
Meara JG , Leather AJM, Hagander L, Alkire BC, Alonso N, Ameh EA, Bickler SW, Conteh L, Dare AJ, Davies J, Mérisier ED, El-Halabi S, Farmer PE, Gawande A, Gillies R, Greenberg SLM, Grimes CE, Gruen RL, Ismail EA, Kamara TB, Lavy C, Lundeg G, Mkandawire NC, Raykar NP, Riesel JN, Rodas E, Rose J, Roy N, Shrime MG, Sullivan R, Verguet S, Watters D, Weiser TG, Wilson IH, Yamey G, Yip W. The Lancet Commissions Global Surgery 2030: evidence and solutions for achieving health, welfare, and economic development. Surgery. 2015 April; 158:3-6.
Meara JG , Leather AJM, Hagander L, Alkire BC, Alonso N, Ameh EA, Bickler SW, Conteh L, Dare AJ, Davies J, Mérisier ED, El-Halabi S, Farmer PE, Gawande A, Gillies R, Greenberg SLM, Grimes CE, Gruen RL, Ismail EA, Kamara TB, Lavy C, Lundeg G, Mkandawire NC, Raykar NP, Riesel JN, Rodas E, Rose J, Roy N, Shrime MG, Sullivan R, Verguet S, Watters D, Weiser TG, Wilson IH, Yamey G, Yip W. The Lancet Commissions Global Surgery 2030: evidence and solutions for achieving health, welfare, and economic development. American J Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015 Sept; 213(3):338-340.
The Lancet Oncology Commission. Global cancer surgery: delivering safe, affordable, and timely cancer surgery. Lancet Oncology Commission. 2015 Sept;16(11):1193.
Global Surgery Metrics
​​Watters DA, Guest GD, Tangi V, Shrime MG, Meara JG. Global Surgery System Strengthening: It Is All About the Right Metrics. Anaesthesia Analgesia. 2018 Apr;126(4):1329-1339.
Guest G, McLeod E, Perry WRG, Tangi V, Pedro J, Ponifasio P, Hedson J, Tudravu J, Pikacha D, Vreede E, Leodoro B, Tapaua N, Kong J, Oten B, Teapa D, Korin S, Wilson L, Mesol S, Tuneti K, Meara JG, Watters DA. Collecting data for global surgical indicators: a collaborative approach in the Pacific Region. British Medical Journal Global Health. 2017 Sept;(2)4:e000376.
Ariyaratnam R, Palmqvist CL, Hider P, Laing GL, Stupart D, Wilson L, Clarke DL, Hagander L, Watters DA, Gruen RL. Toward a standard approach to measurement and reporting of perioperative mortality rate as a global indicator for surgery. Surgery. 2015 Jul;158:17-26.
Watters DA, Hollands MJ, Gruen RL, Maoate K, Perndt H, McDougall RJ, Morriss WW, Tangi V, Casey KM, McQueen KA. Perioperative Mortality Rate (POMR): A Global Indicator of Access to Safe Surgery and Anaesthesia. World Journal of Surgery. 2014 May;39(4):856–864.
Partnerships in Surgical Education and Training
Watters DA, Tangi V, Guest G, Batten J, Robson SJ, Scott DA, Cooper MG. Countries and colleges collaborate to improve access in Oceania and Southeast Asia. American College of Surgeons. 2018 May Bulletin.
Guest GD, Scott DF, Xavier JP, Martins N, Vreede E, Chennal A, Moss D, Watters DA. Surgical capacity building in Timor-Leste: a review of the first 15 years of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons-led Australian Aid programme: Surgical capacity building in Timor-Leste. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2017 Jun. doi:10.1111/ans.13768.
Masterton JP, Moss D, Korin SJ, Watters DAK. Evaluation of the medium-term outcomes and impact of the Rowan Nicks Scholarship Programme. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2014 Jan;84:110-116.
Watters DA, Ewing H, McCaig E. Three phases of the Pacific Islands Project (1995-2010). ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2012 Mar 23.
Waxman BP, Guest GD, Atkinson RN. Disaster Preparedness and Humanitarian Aid - The Medical Response to the Indian Ocean Disaster: Lessons learnt, Recommendations and RACS actions. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2006 Jan;76:1-3.
Chung S, Watters D. Academic surgery in Papua New Guinea. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2008 May;78(5):347-9.
Thomas S, Watters DA, Rosenfeld JV. Paraplegia in a 10-year-old child: case report. PNG Medical Journal. 2007 Mar-Jun;50(1-2):72-3.
Watters DA. Don't be afraid of neurological assessment and keep it simple. PNG Medical Journal. 2007 Mar-Jun;50(1-2):1-4.
Kevau I, Watters DA. Specialist surgical training in Papua New Guinea: the outcomes after 10 years. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2006 Oct;76(10):937-41.
Guest GD, Soldanha S, Walbheim T. Back to basics: Managing Gunshot injuries in East Timor. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2005 Apr;75:220-224.
Watters DA, Scott DF. Doctors in the Pacific. Medical Journal of Australia. 2004 Dec 6-20;181(11-12):597-601.
Watters DA, Kapitgau WM, Kaminiel P, Liko O, Kevau I, Ollapallil J, et al. Surgical capability and surgical pathology in Papua New Guinea in the year 2000. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2001 May;71(5):274-80.
Watters DA. Managing severe head injuries in Papua New Guinea. PNG Medical Journal. 2001 Mar-Jun;44(1-2):63-5.
​Ponifasio P, Poki HO, Watters DA. Abdominal trauma in urban Papua New Guinea. PNG Medical Journal. 2001 Mar-Jun;44(1-2):36-42.
Watters DA, Theile DE. Progress of surgical training in Papua New Guinea to the end of the 20th century. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2000 Apr;70(4):302-7.
Global burden of Surgical disease and its treatment
Stokes MAR, Guest GD, Mamadi P, Seta W, Yaubihi N, Karawiga G, Naidi B, Watters DAK. Measuring the Burden of surgical disease averted by emergency and essential surgical care in a district hospital in Papua New Guinea. World Journal of Surgery. 2017 Mar;41:650-659.
Kaptigau WM, Rosenfeld JV, Kevau I, Watters DA. The Establishment and Development of Neurosurgery Services in Papua New Guinea. World Journal of Surgery. 2016 Feb;40:251–257.
​Dare AJ, Lee KC, Bleicher J, Elobu AE, Kamara TB, Liko O, Luboga S, Danlop A, Kune G, Hagander L, Leather AJM, Yamey G. Prioritising Surgical Care on National Health Agendas: A Qualitative Case Study of Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and Sierra Leone. PLOS Medicine. 2016 May;1-25.
Halder A, Morewya J, Watters DA. Rising incidence of breast cancer in Papua New Guinea. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2001 Oct;71(10):590-3.
Watters DA. Surgery for tuberculosis before and after human immunodeficiency virus infection: a tropical perspective. British Journal of Surgery. 1997 Jan;84(1):8-14.
Watters DA. Surgery, surgical pathology and HIV infection: lessons learned in Zambia. PNG Medical Journal. 1994;37(1):29-39.
Textbooks for Global Surgical Education
Watters D, Koestenbauer A. Stitches in Time: Two Centuries of Surgery in Papua New Guinea. Xlibris Corporation: Gordon, NSW; 2012. ISBN: 9781453554746(Hardcover); 9781453554739(Softcover); 9781453554737(eBook);pgs1-802.
Media Review: Peter F. Burke. Stitches in Time. Two Centuries of Surgery in Papua New Guinea. Edited by D. Watters with A. Koestenbauer. Gordon, NSW: Xlibris Corporation, 2011. 802 pages. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-2197.2012.06305.x.
Watters DAK. Health Issues of the Pacific Islands. IN: Europa Publications editors, 42nd ed. The Far East and Australasia 2011. Routledge: London; 2011. p.985-997.
Watters D, Niblett J. Guidelines for the Treatment of Cancer in Papua New Guinea. Third Edition. Sydney: Australasian Medical Publishing Company Limited; 2007.
Watters DAK, Wilson IH, Leaver RJ, Bagshawe A. Care of the Critically Ill Patient in the Tropics. Second Edition. Oxford: MacMillan Education Ltd; 2004.
History of Surgery in the Pacific
Pakalu W, Watters DAK. History of surgery at Tari Hospital. Papua New Guinea Medical Journal. 2015 Mar-Dec;58(1-4):35-45.
Watters DA. Skull trepanation in the Bismarck archipelago. PNG Medical Journal. 2007 Mar-Jun;50(1-2):20-4.