Associate Professor Sonal Nagra

Director of General Surgery 2023 at University Hospital Geelong. Senior Lecturer in Rural Surgery with Deakin University and General and Endocrine Surgeon with University Hospital Geelong, Barwon Health.
Special interests
Associate Prof Sonal Nagra is a General and Endocrine Surgeon who has a keen interest in Laparascopic/Minimally Invasive Surgery. He has a wide surgical experience and his practice includes general surgical procedures, laparascopic and open colorectal procedures, hernias, gall bladder surgery, thyroids and parathyroid surgery, and endoscopy (gastroscopes and colonoscopies). Sonal completed his primary medical degree (MBBS) and surgical training (MMED in Surgery) in Fiji. He has gone on to do further training in Dunedin, Darwin and Geelong undertaking various fellowships over a 6 year period and he also has attained the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. He was also awarded the Rowan Nick Scholar in 2012. Sonal was recently appointed as an Associate Professor of Surgery at Deakin University and is also heavily involved in the supervision and training of junior medical staff at University Hospital Geelong where he has an appointment as a VMO. Sonal is also the Director of General Surgery at the University Hospital Geelong and has a private practice at Epworth Geelong. He has an interest in Research which has projects both locally and internationally. He has a strong Global Health interest particularly in the Pacific through efforts in improving research, education and enhancing surgical services, most recently being invited as an External Examiner at the the Fiji National University. He has published widely and also contributed to a chapter in surgical textbooks. He has received several teaching reconigtions which include the Victorian Excellence in Teaching Award, Richard Hallowes Award, Hasan Al-Khayyat prize, Epworth Supervisor Award and the Deakin Geelong Clinical Teacher Awards for the last 5 years. Sonal was also fortunate to represent Fiji as a National Squash Representative for over 10 years playing at various international competitions including the Commonwealth Games in 2006
Previous appointments
To be updated
Divakaran P, Hong J, Abbas S, Gwini S, Nagra S, Stupart D, Guest G, Watters D. Failure to Rescue in Major Abdominal Surgery: A Regional Australian Experience. Worl J Surg doi.org/10.1007/s00268-023-07061-x. 28 April 2023
Nagra S, Jinnaah SM, et al The POSTVenTT Study Collaborative The management of peri-operative anaemia in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery in Australia and New Zealand: a prospective cohort study.
Med J Aust 2022; doi: 10.5694/mja2.51725 supp
Nagra S, Australia (Australasia Lead) Global Health Research Groupet al. Twelve-month observational study of children with cancer in 41 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Global Health 2022:7:e008797. Doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2022-008797
Eqbal H, Owen A, Guest G, Nagra S. Small bowel resection for ischemia following transcatheter arterial embolization for bleeding jejunal diverticulum: an easily forgotten complication ANZ J Surg (2022) doi:10.1111/ans.108042
Sankpal S, Scott B, Drysdale H, Kotowicz M, Nagra S, Watters DA. Resolution of hypertension following water-clear cell parathyroid adenoma excision .doi: 10.1111/ans.17427
Barnes N, Drysdale H, Nagra S, Watters DA, Guest GD. How to isolate and manage a colo-atmospheric fistula in a wound requiring negative pressure dressing: a novel technique using a plastic syringe. ANZ J Surg. 2022 Apr:92(4):856-858. Doi:10.1111/ans.17595. Epub 2022 Mar 7
Banal C, Lau S, Nagra S, Watters DAK. Streptococcus gallolyticus Bacteramia and colorectal neoplasia: an old association with a new name MJA doi: 10.5694/mja2.51447
Underwood K, Drysdale H, Nagra S, Guest G, Watters D Recurrent gastro-jejunal intussusception: a call for caution with non-revisional management. ANZ J Surg (2022) doi:10.1111/ans.17561
Underwood KH, Doole E, Breen D, Guest G, Watters D, Moore EM, Nagra S. Tertiary Survey in the Days of Modern Imaging: Assessing the Detection Rate Clinically Significant Injuries on Tertiary Survey in a Level 2 Trauma Centre. doi: 10.7759/cureus.21962
Asgill T, Drysdale HRE, Nagra S, Watters DA, Guest GD. De Garengeot and Amyand: two rare hernia encounters. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2022 doi:10.0000/ans 17488
Sankpal S, Scott B, Drysdale H, Kotowicz M, Nagra S, Watters D. Resolution of hypertension following water-clear cell parathyroid adenoma excision. RACS doi:10.1111/ans.17427
Vaska A, Munn Z, Nagra S, Barker T. Hernioplasty using low cost mesh compared to surgical mesh in low and middle income countries: a systematic review protocol. Doi:10.11124JBISRIR-D-19-00186
Underwood K, Drysdale H, Nguyen G, Nagra S. Chronic intestinal psuedo-obstruction and MIDD, a rare cause of acute abdomen implications in emergency surgery BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242579. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242579
Elliott T, Cha R, Clifford K, Popadich A Nagra S. Safety and outcomes after oesophagectomy in southern New Zealand: a 25 Year audit of a low volume centre. Doi:10.0000/anz.16644. ANZ J Surg91 (2021) 1509-1514
Dangen J, Hsueh, Y, Lau S, Nagra S, Watters D, Guest G. Live streaming surgery during COVID-19 using a 3D printed camera. Doi:10.1111/ans.16797
Nagra S, Singh S, Kaur B, McCraig E, Tangi V, Guest G Watters D. How is surgery included in the Strategic Health Plans of the pacific, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste? ANZ J Surg doi:10.1111/ans.16651 2021
Drysdale HRE, Downie E, Lau S, Geelong Surgical COVID-19 Response Team, Stupart DA, Page R, Nagra S, Watters DA, Guest GD. Did operating theatre staff understand the COVID-19 guidelines for surgery during Victoria’s second wave? ANZ J Surg. 2021:515-518.
Books and Book Chapters
Watters DAK, Nagra S, Francis DMA. IN Smith JA, Kaye AH, Christophi C, Brown WA. Textbook of Surgery. 4th edition. Chapter 69: Ascites. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2020 p.659-666.
Drysdale H, Ooi S, Geelong Surgical COVID-19 Response Team, Nagra S, Watters DA, Guest GD. Clinical Activity and Outcomes during Geelong’s General Surgery response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2020.
Latif H, Nagra S, Moore EM, Watters D, Guest G. Patient reported outcomes post emergency laparotomy in a regional centre. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2020;90(S1):67-106.
Nagra S, Kaur B, Singh S, Tangi V, McCaig E, Stupart D, Moore EM, Meera J, Guest GD, Watters DA. How will increasing surgical volume affect mortality in the South Pacific. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2020. doi:10.1111/ans.15989.
Walker H, Liew K, Adams V, Larcombe S, Nagra S, Guest G, Athan E. Medical Education: Necrotising enterocolotis caused by Clostridium perfringens: a life-threatening manifestation of a common foodborne infection. Medical Journal of Australia. 2020. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50568
Watters DA, McCaig E, Nagra S, Kevau I. Surgical training programmes in the South Pacific, Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste. British Journal of Surgery. 2019 Jan;106:e53-e61. doi: 10.1002/bjs.11057.
Cama J, Nagra S. A short history of the post-graduate surgical training in Fiji – where to from here? The Journal of Pacific Research. 2018 Oct;21(2):103-107. doi:10.26635/phd.2018.918.
Kohli N, Nagra S, Moore E, Abbas S. The influence of resection margin on survival outcomes in pancreatic cancer surgery: A systematic review & meta-analysis. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2017 Jun;87(S1):69-79. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ans.13996.